How to Get Safe Mode in Windows XP

While Windows XP is usually a stable operating system, it still can have a wide variety of problems. Luckily, Microsoft knew that and decided to put in a secret boot mode known as "Safe Mode". This article will tell you how to enter the Windows XP safe mode.

Using Msconfig to get into Safe Mode

Click the “Start” button on the taskbar.

When the Start Menu appears, click the “Run” menu option. (As a shortcut, you can simply press WinKey+R on the keyboard.)

In the dialog box that appears, type “msconfig”.

The System Configuration Utility executes.

Look for the tabs at the top of the screen.

One will say “BOOT.INI”. Click on that tab.

There will be a few checkboxes in the lower portion of the window.

Check the box next to the text “/SAFEBOOT”.

Click “OK”, and restart your computer.


  • You will no longer boot into regular mode until you uncheck the box next to “/SAFEBOOT” in the System Configuration Utility.
  • Only change what you are told to in the System Configuration Utility. WikiHow is not responsible if your computer will no longer boot, or starts to act strange.

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