What Does ONG Mean? Snapchat, TikTok, & More

If you've received an "ONG" text or noticed that "ONG" is suddenly all over TikTok, you're probably wondering what it means. Keep on scrolling to read our complete guide on how to interpret "ONG" on all platforms, including text and social media. We'll also explain how to use this abbreviation yourself so you can join the conversation!

What does ONG mean on Snapchat and TikTok?

On all social media platforms, “ONG” means “On God.”

Typically, “ONG” is used to emphasize the truth of a statement. It’s interchangeable with phrases like “I swear to God” and “hand to God.”

  • “ONG I didn’t take your shirt! 😭😭 I wouldn’t borrow your stuff without asking.”
  • “The only reason I go to those meetings is for the free donuts 😂🍩 ONG.”
  • This meaning applies on all social media platforms, including Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

On TikTok, “ONG” can also show approval.

The phrase still means “On God,” but it’s used to emphasize how much someone agrees with what another TikTok user says. For example:

  • TikTok User 1: “Folklore is the best Taylor Swift album 😍”TikTok User 2: “❤️ONG❤️”

What does ONG mean in texting?

Over text, “ONG” also means “On God.”

In this case, “ONG” is almost always used to emphasize honesty or the truth of a statement. It’s very informal and interchangeable with the phrase, “I swear to God.”

  • Sometimes, “On God” can mean something that’s beyond a person’s control, as in “that’s on God” or “that’s God’s responsibility.”For example: “I can’t help you, that’s ONG to answer your prayers 😓”
  • For example: “I can’t help you, that’s ONG to answer your prayers 😓”

How to Use ONG

Swear that you’re being honest or truthful.

When you’re chatting informally with friends, you can use “ONG” in a serious way to show honesty, or in a more dramatic way for humorous effect.

  • If you’re being serious: “ONG 😧 I didn’t tell anyone that you have a crush on Alex. I would never betray your trust like that.”
  • If you’re being funny or dramatic: “I’ve never felt that awkward in my life. Like, peak awkward, ONG 😂😂😂”

Support or wholeheartedly agree with someone on TikTok.

If another TikTok user says something that you completely identify with, let them know by responding with “ONG.” For example:

  • TikTok User: “I don’t care what y’all say, I’m not cancelling skinny jeans.”You: “ONG. I’m wearing a pair now and they look 🔥”
  • TikTok User: “Drake is literally the GOAT.”You: “ONG 💯💯💯”

Indicate that something is beyond your control.

If you want to explain that something is out of your hands, “ONG” will do the trick. Basically, you’re saying that it’s “on God” to take care of. Just keep in mind that this isn’t a super common way to use “ONG.” For example:

  • “I can help you study for the test, but the rest is on you & ONG 😂”

Alternative Meanings

In some cases, “ONG” might just be a typo for “OMG.”

That said, if you see “ONG” on TikTok or Snapchat, it’s probably not a typo for “OMG.” You should be able to tell if it’s a typo or not based on context.

In the past, “ONG” stood for “Oh No Girlfriend.”

This is a pretty dated usage, though! These days, ONG almost always means “On God,” especially on social media and over text.

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