Searching for some quick, easy ways to look healthier and vibrant? You’ve come to the right place. From skincare and hygiene tips to lifestyle and fashion advice, there are plenty of ways for you to both feel and look your best. We’ve put together 16 tips to help you get started.

Protect your skin from the sun.
You expose your body to ultraviolet (UV) rays anytime you’re in the sun. In addition to increasing your risk of skin cancer,UV rays cause the skin to look older and more worn out.If you must be in the sun, be sure to cover up your skin with long sleeves/pants and a brimmed hat whenever possible. It’s also important to choose a sunscreen that will protect you from UV radiation.
Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Be sure your sunscreen has an SPF rating of at least 30,and reapply sunscreen at least once every two hours.
Try to avoid being in direct sunlight between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. That four hour window is when the sun’s UV rays are strongest. Sunburns can begin with just 15 minutes of exposure.
Choose protective clothing that offers UV protection. You can also buy a laundry additive that will coat your clothing with a layer of UV protection. Check online or ask your local retailer about UV protective clothing and laundry additives.
Quit smoking or try not to start.
Smoking is one of the biggest causes of premature skin aging.That’s because daily exposure to cigarette smoke constricts the blood vessels in your skin’s outer layers, decreasing blood, oxygen, and nutrient supplies to your skin. Smoking also reduces your skin’s elasticity by reducing your body’s collagen and elastin, and pursing the lips or squinting the eyes while smoking can cause premature wrinkles over time.
Daily exposure to smoke and the facial expressions associated with smoking cigarettes can, over time, cause the skin to appear leathery and wrinkled.
The best way to protect your skin from the effects of cigarette smoke is to quit or avoid starting altogether.Talk to your doctor about a treatment plan that can help you kick your habit.
Practice good shaving habits.
Poor shaving habits can stress and irritate your skin. Some simple, everyday practices to help protect your skin during shaving include:
Use warm or cool water, rather than hot.
Use shaving cream or lotion, rather than using soap or attempting a “dry shave”
Change your razor blades frequently so you always use a clean and sharp razor.The ingredients in many soaps can quickly clog razors and dull the blades.
Shave in the direction hair grows, rather than against the grain
Pat your skin dry to prevent excess moisture after shaving.
Moisturize your skin.
Keeping your skin moisturized is an important part of maintaining a healthy appearance. That’s because dried-out skin cells shrivel and constrict, causing wrinkles, fine lines, and potentially reducing blood and oxygen flow to your skin.
Moisturizing your skin will help your skin look healthier and maintain elasticity.
Use anti-wrinkle creams.
Anti-wrinkle creams can help your skin look healthier. Keep in mind that these products won’t instantly fix wrinkles or sun-damaged skin, but they may help improve elasticity and reduce wrinkles over time as part of a larger skin-care regimen. If you have dry or sensitive skin, be cautious when using these products. Some common ingredients in wrinkle creams include:
Retinol, a vitamin A compound that helps neutralize free radicals and prevent skin cells from breaking down prematurely.
Vitamin C, which may help protect the skin from damage caused by the sun’s UV rays.
Hydroxy acids (alpha-, beta-, and poly-hydroxy acids) are exfoliants that help remove dead skin cells and allow new, smoother skin cells to grow.
Coenzyme Q10 can help reduce wrinkles, especially around the eyes, and may reduce or prevent damage caused by the sun.
Tea extracts contain antioxidants, and may have anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe irritated or damaged skin.
Grape seed extracts also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and may help wounds heal faster.
Niacinamide is related to vitamin B3 and can help prevent the skin from drying out, which improves the skin’s elasticity and appearance.
Care for your teeth.
Taking care of your teeth can go a long way towards having a healthier appearance. Poor dental hygiene can lead to plaque, gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath.
Brush your teeth twice each day.
Squeeze out a pea-sized drop of toothpaste onto your toothbrush and scrub the inside, outside, and underside of each tooth’s surface. It should take you about two minutes to thoroughly brush your teeth.
Use dental floss. Flossing helps remove food debris stuck between your teeth and can also reduce gum disease and halitosis.Take a strand of dental floss about 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45 centimeters) in length, wrap the ends around each index finger, and gently work the floss up and down as well as side-to-side between each tooth. Unroll a little floss from one finger while tightening the wrap on the other to ensure that you are not simply spreading plaque and debris from one tooth to the next.
Use mouthwash, especially a mouthwash that contains fluoride. This will help kill germs, get rid of bad breath, and prevent tooth decay.Measure out about a half-cap to a cap full of mouthwash from the bottle, swish it around in your mouth, and spit it out without swallowing any.
Bathe or wash regularly.
Healthy hygiene keeps you clean and healthy. A shower or bath is ideal, but a sponge bath (wiping down with a wet sponge or washcloth) is a good alternative if usual ways are not available.
Use soap or body wash that you like. Try to balance fragrance with moisturizing capabilities so that your skin does not become irritated by the soap.
Be aware that daily bathing is a social norm, and not necessary for health or hygiene. In fact, some dermatologists say that daily washing strips your skin of natural oils and beneficial bacteria. Most adults can stay clean and healthy by washing every other day.
Wash your hair.
Clean hair helps you look healthier and feel more confident. It’s important to wash your hair with shampoo or soap at least once each week, though many people prefer to wash their hair on a daily basis.
Wet your hair thoroughly.
Squirt a glob of shampoo into the palm of your hand. A quantity about the size of a quarter should be sufficient, though if your hair is very long you may need more shampoo.
Try using a moisturizing shampoo if you tend to have dry, frizzy hair. Look for hair care products that contain natural oils like olive oil, or other moisturizing agents like glycerin and shea butter. Avoid products containing mineral oil and petroleum, as these may further dry out your hair.
Rub the shampoo into your hair and gently massage your scalp. Don’t scrub your scalp too hard, though, as this may cause pain and irritation.
Rinse all the shampoo out of your hair. Make sure there is no more shampoo remaining in your hair, as this may cause irritation.
Let your hair air dry, or use a towel to gently dry off your head. Try to avoid using a hair dryer whenever possible, as it can dry out or irritate your hair and scalp.