This minHour teaches you how to find out which versions of TLS are configured on a web server. You’ll also learn how to find out which TLS versions are supported by your web browser.
Checking a Website’s TLS Version
Open a web browser on your computer, phone, or tablet.
You can perform this test on any browser, including Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.
Navigate to
This is a free site that can find the TLS version for any website that’s available on the internet.
Enter the website’s domain or IP address.
Type it into the ″Hostname″ field near the top of the page.
- If you don’t want the domain or IP address to appear on SSL Labs’ list of recent queries, check the box next to ″Do not show the results on the boards.″
Click or tap Submit.
This begins a test on the website. Once the test is complete, you’ll see a report summary that rates the security of the website.
- The test usually takes about 3 minutes to complete.
Scroll down to the ″Configuration″ section of the page.
It’s below the ″Certificate″ section(s).
Find all TLS versions marked ″Yes″ under ″Protocols.
″ All TLS versions (supported or not) appear at the top of the ″Configuration″ section. Any versions labeled ″Yes″ are configured on this website.
Checking a Web Browser’s TLS Version Support
Open a web browser on your computer, phone, or tablet.
You can perform this test on any browser, including Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.
Navigate to
This tool will automatically check your browser and display a summary of results.
Find the version number under the ″Version″ header.
You’ll probably have to scroll down a little to find it if you’re using a small-screened phone or tablet.