How to Code

As technology becomes more and more accessible, the need for programmers is always increasing. Coding is a skill learned and perfected over time, but everyone has to start somewhere. There are a variety of languages that are perfect for beginners regardless of the field that you’re interested in (ex. JavaScript, etc. JavaScript is quite advanced, … Read more

Learn to Write Pseudocode: What It Is and Why You Need It

Want to learn how to write pseudocode? Pseudocode is a step-by-step written outline of your code that you can transcribe into the programming language you’re working with. In other words, you’re writing the flow of your code in plain language rather than official coding syntax. Many programmers use pseudocode to plan out the logic of … Read more

How to Create a Programming Language

Many people have difficulties or frustrations with the programming languages they use every day. Some want things to be handled more abstractly, while others dislike implementing features they wish were ‘standard’. Whether you are an IT professional or just a hobbyist, many times you may find yourself wanting to create a new programming language. Steps … Read more

Calling Functions in VB & VBA: Syntax, Examples, & More

Are you confused about calling function procedures in Visual Basic and VBA? When you call a function, its statements run beginning with the first executable after the “Function” statement until “End Function,” “Return,” or “Exit Function” is encountered. Once you learn the proper syntax for call statements and check out some helpful examples, it will … Read more

How to Create a Mobile App

The mobile app industry has already crossed the critical figure of billion dollars. Smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices make a considerable chunk of internet users. The determining factor for the success of an app is the quality and user experience. Setting the Benchmark: Designing Make new user your benchmark for design. The design should … Read more